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MS Theses & Senior Projects

Education and training of tomorrow's scientists and workforce development.

A significant component of every CAB project is education and training of tomorrow's scientists and workforce development. 

On some projects, the education component is communicating research findings, and results of other scientific studies, to people with no background in science. The impact of even the most significant scientific discovery is diluted if it is not communicated to the public in understandable terms. 

On most projects, there is a direct education component that includes graduate and undergraduate studies of real problems posed by the project. This may include field studies and analysis, basic and advanced lab work, and communication of results and principles to students, citizens, or other audiences. 

The CAB is an entity that is part of the larger Cal Poly University. Every project the CAB takes on benefits the university, the students who attend it, and the surrounding community. The pursuit of advancing science is the pursuit of learning. The CAB integrates this important philisophy into relationships with all of its constituents including corporations, scientists, students, and the community as a whole.

Masters Theses Completed at CAB

Senior Projects Completed at CAB

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